Friday, November 26, 2010

The slightly too late to be considered a Thanksgiving post, post.

Last night, between drinking large amounts of Jameson Irish whiskey, laying in the bed of a moving truck and sitting on my friend Craig's couch being scolded for taking off and attempting to walk through Santa Ana at 2 in the morning, I lost my wallet. So that kind of set the mood for the entire day and instead of enjoying a day of football and loafing around I spent the entire morning retracing my steps and calling everyone who's number I had and asking them to call those who's numbers I didn't. It sucked and if you've lost something as valuable as your wallet you know how stressful it can be. To make matters worse everything was closed today so I couldn't check with the pub to see if I had left it there nor could I call my bank to cancel my card. It was a weird day that only got stranger when half way through my phone decided to, without warning, stop working.

So of course I couldn't continue my search for my wallet and finally had to come to terms with the fact that I may never find that wallet and begin the long and annoying process of replacing everything in it. Funny how things work out sometimes. Because my phone stopped working I didn't get the text from my friend Ryan who despite being in another state for the holidays had joined in, in the efforts to locate it. Ryan had located my wallet which strangely enough was bouncing around in the bed of his friends truck. Let me explain. When we left the pub last night we had all decided to head over to Craig's house which is about two or three blocks from the pub. Some walked there, some drove, my friend Alan and I got ourselves a the back of his friends truck. So there it was, imagine that, sitting in the back of someones truck. The last place you look. No, really.

So the day was saved and I am glad to say that I managed to have a great Thanksgiving with the family despite all the distractions. Dad came over and we had a big meal together. It always feels right to have the family together and if my brother goes off to the Marines soon as he plans it will probably be a while before we get together like this again. This is what I find myself thankful for this Thanksgiving. Sure finding my wallet was an added relief but what matters the most to me is having my family with me, this is what I find myself thankful for.

There is a lot I have learned over this past year, a lot of growing up I've done and if today taught me anything it is that I have changed for the best. I got past the bad stuff and enjoyed the things that mattered. All those things I can't or couldn't control? Well I worried at first of course but then realized stressing out about it didn't help me one bit in correcting the problem. I did my share of loafing around, eating large amounts of honey baked ham and spending time with the fam. Overall quite a successful day.

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